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Calendar: When do France’s public holidays fall in 2022?
Four holidays will be on weekends next year but three are prime for making a long weekend by taking a day of holiday

Now that 2022 is almost here, it may be time to begin thinking about how the public holidays fall in France over the next 12 months so as to shape any trips you may be planning.
Unfortunately, four of France’s public holidays will fall on a weekend in 2022: New Year’s Day on a Saturday, la fête du Travail (Labour Day) on Sunday, May 1, VE Day on Sunday, May 8 and Christmas, also on a Sunday.
Companies can choose to give their employees an extra day off in lieu of the lost public holiday in cases like this, but they are under no obligation to do so. The firm’s policy will normally be detailed on your work contract.
However, there will also be:
Easter weekend, with a bank holiday on Monday, April 18
Whit Sunday (Pentecôte) in June, with a holiday for some businesses on Monday, June 6
Assumption Day on Monday, August 15
Armistice Day on Friday, November 11
On three occasions, it may be possible to faire le pont (‘make a bridge’) between the public holiday and the weekend by taking a day of holiday.
These are:
Ascension Day on Thursday, May 26
Fête nationale on Thursday, July 14
All Saints’ Day (Toussaint) on Tuesday, November 1
Regional variations
Residents of Alsace-Moselle will be treated to a four-day Easter weekend in 2022 with the public holiday on Easter Monday also joined by Good Friday (April 15). They will also have Boxing Day (December 26) off.
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