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New confinement forms: English translations
France has issued a new version of the forms that must be filled in every time you leave the house during the confinement period. Here are the full translations, below (translated by Connexion).

The new form was put online yesterday evening (Tuesday March 24).
You can download the new form here. It is also available as a Word Document or Text Document from the government website here.
So far, the old forms can still be used, but you must add the time you are leaving the house by hand.
Read more: France issues new confinement form to include time
Read more: Covid-19 confinement form: Can you tick 2 boxes?
There is still a separate form to use if your reason for leaving home is professional. Download this here. It is also available as a Word Document or Text Document from the government website here.
The professional form does not include a time, and can be re-used for the period of validity determined by the employer. The translation of this is also below.
The full translations of each new form are below (translated by Connexion).
Main form (New from Tuesday March 24):
In application of article 3 of the decree of 23 March 2020 prescribing the general measures necessary to face up to the epidemic of Covid 19 in the context of the state of health emergency
I the undersigned:
Born on:
At (ie.your place of birth):
Living at:
Certify my movement is related to the following reason (tick the box) authorised by article 3 of the decree of 23 March 2020, prescribing the general measures necessary to face up to the epidemic of Covid 19 in the context of the state of health emergency:
- Travel between home and the place of professional activity, when essential for the exercise of activities that cannot be organised in the form of teleworking (on permanent proof) or professional trips that cannot be organised through remote working or professional movements that cannot be postponed;
- Travel to make essential purchases for work reasons, or for necessary goods, in authorised establishments (list on gouvernement.fr);
- Travel for health reasons that cannot be done remotely or cannot be postponed; consultations and care of patients with an officially-recognised, long-standing health condition.
- Travel for imperative family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable persons or childcare;
- Short trips of one hour, once a day, within a 1km radius of your home, related to the individual physical activity of people, excluding any collective sports practice and all contact with other people; and only with people living in the same household, or for the needs of pets
- Judicial or administrative summons
- Participation in general interest work on the request of the administrative authority.
Completed at _____________
On (Date): ____/____/2020 at (Time) ____ h (hour) _____ (minutes)
(Stating the date and time of the beginning of your trip is mandatory).
People wishing to benefit from one of these exceptions must, during their trips outside the home, have this document allowing them to justify their travel under one of these exceptions.
Use the first reason for non-salaried or freelance workers, when they do not or cannot use the professional travel proof form filled in by their employer.
Purchase of necessary goods also includes free distribution, such as food banks, and trips related to receiving state benefits, and cash withdrawals.
Workplace / worker form:
In application to Article 1 of the decree of 16 March 2020, regulating movement in the context of the control of the spread of the Covid-19 virus
I, the undersigned: _________
Last name and first name of the employer __________________
Certify that the journeys of the following person between his or her home and his or her place of residence of professional activity, may not be deferred or are essential for the exercise of professional activities, which cannot be organised as working from home (in the sense of the first and second paragraphs of the 1 article of the decree of 16 March 2020, regulating movement in the context of the control of the spread of the Covid-19 virus):
First name:
Date of birth:
Home address:
Nature of the professional work:
Location of the professional work taking place:
Travel route:
Form of travel:
Valid until:
Name and stamp of the employer:
Completed at _____________, on (Date): ____/____/2020
This document, drawn up by the employer, is sufficient to justify an employee's business trips, comprising:
- The usual journey between the employee's home and place of work, or journeys between different places of work where the nature of their duties so requires;
- Travel of a professional nature that cannot be deferred at the request of the employer.
In these cases, it is not necessary for the employee to carry the normal travel certificate in addition to this proof.
Self-employed workers, for whom such proof cannot be produced, must, however, have the normal travel certificate with them, ticking the first trip reasons.
Indicate all the places where the employee carries out his or her activity, unless the nature of the activity does not allow you to know them in advance (for example, deliveries, call-off jobs, etc.).
The period of validity of this receipt is determined by the employer.
It is therefore not necessary to renew it every day. This duration must take into account the work organisation put in place by the employer (e.g. staff rotation) as well as leave or rest periods.
Read more: France issues new confinement form to include time
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