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A new study shows just how close prices for common food items can be across brands
Americans in Strasbourg to protest possible consulate closure
US consulates based in Lyon, Rennes, and Bordeaux could also be shut down
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Time running out for proxy vote in UK election
Any Britons in France intending to vote in the coming British general election by proxy have in some cases less than two weeks to apply for this.

British voters who have not lost the vote due to the 15-year rule are being encouraged to vote on December 12 by proxy if possible – but time is running out to select this option.
The dates for applying for a proxy vote are 17.00 UK time on Tuesday November 26 if you are changing or cancelling an existing proxy, postal or proxy postal vote, or 17.00 UK time on Wednesday December 4 if you have not had either a proxy or postal vote before.
Those intending to do this must first be registered as overseas voters with their former UK constituency (see here, to do this) – if you think you are already registered it is advisable to double check with the electoral services office at your former British council.
However if necessary you can submit the application to be registered and the request for a proxy at the same time. The form for requesting a proxy can be found at this link. Most councils will accept an application scanned in and emailed to them.
See this previous article for more about voting by proxy, which is being recommended to avoid any delays in receiving and sending back postal ballots, especially in view of Christmas approaching and possible postal strikes.
Note that one way of finding a proxy for yourself is to contact the local branch in the constituency of the political party that you wish to vote for. All you require for the form is the full name and UK address of a registered British voter who is willing to be proxy for you.
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