What changes with French driving licences in 2025?
There are new rules on document posting, tests and EU and international driving permits
French driving documents can now be delivered via a simplified procedure
The change is designed to save public money
Drivers can now get proof of driving licence online in France
The new service could be useful in certain situations such as if you are stopped by police
How to contact ANTS for help swapping driving licences in France
The agency can help British drivers who have faced delays in getting French permits

Readers continue to report delays and issues with driving licence swaps in France, which involve an application online at ants.gouv.fr.
Read more: How long does it take to swap foreign driving licence to a French one?
The ANTS agency receives applications and passes them to officials for processing but also deals with queries from the public about the progress of swaps.
As we reported last month, ANTS says non-EU swaps are taking about seven months in total to process, though officials aim to improve on this.
This includes swaps of pre-2021 UK licences which are expiring and must be exchanged.
An ANTS spokeswoman confirmed: “Users must anticipate the waiting times and make the request a bit more than six months before the licence expires.”
Near the end of the process, an attestation is sent that allows people to drive in France after sending in the old licence. This now lasts one year.
People wanting to get in touch with ANTS are advised to call (09 70 83 07 07) at quieter times, such as 7:45-8:30 and 12:00-14:30. ANTS says a personal response via online messaging at permisdeconduire.ants.gouv.fr is possible if you select Aide & Contact and then, under objet, choose VoxUsagers.
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