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Covid-19 France: How do I get a vaccination certificate?
Everyone now receiving a vaccination will get a certificate with a QR code that can be scanned in order to store the certificate on your smartphone
Reader question: I was vaccinated against Covid-19 in April but did not get a certificate. What do I do?
Everyone who is fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in France will receive a certificate that has a QR code on it allowing them to add the document to the track and trace phone application TousAntiCovid.
The certificate will be given only after the person is fully vaccinated, which means after two doses of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines and after one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
TousAntiCovid contains a section called “carnet” (notebook) that will allow people to upload the results of a PCR test and, since Monday (May 3), their vaccination certificates.
Anyone who has already been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 will have to wait until mid-May to be able to get a certificate.
This will then be possible via France’s health insurance authority Ameli.
Everyone who has been vaccinated and has an Ameli account will be able to demand a vaccination certificate using an online tool that is currently being developed. They will be sent a message when this tool is ready, which should be in the second half of May.
For anyone who does not have online access, they will be able to request a certificate in the post.
There is a free helpline to help people manage this: 0 800 08 71 48. It is open seven days a week from 09:00 to 20:00
The Connexion is looking into how people without Ameli accounts will be able to get this vaccination certificate.
Why upload the certificate to a smartphone?
President Emmanuel Macron has said that from June 9, a health pass will be used to allow foreign tourists to enter France and for people in France to attend large events, such as sports events, concerts or festivals.
This “pass” will be available in paper format or digitally. The carnet section of the TousAntiCovid application will be used to store the certificates.
It will mean that from June 9, you will be able to show the certificate, saved on your phone in the app, and gain entrance to certain events.
This system is voluntary and passengers can present individual negative PCR test results if they prefer.
The pass will not be used to prevent people accessing places that are considered part of daily life, such as restaurants, President Emmanuel Macron has said.
“The health pass will never be a right of access that differentiates people. It should not be compulsory for access to everyday places such as restaurants, theatres and cinemas, or for visiting friends.
“However, in places where crowds gather, such as stadiums, festivals, fairs or exhibitions, it would be absurd not to use it,” he said.
He added that a debate on the pass must still take place in parliament but that he sees it as “an additional tool to ensure the protection of people in France”.
Read more:
Will France’s health pass collect my private information?
Covid France: Health pass ‘should only be for vaccinated people’
Will Britons need a health pass to visit France from June 9?