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How do I get a French health pass if vaccination records lack QR code?
A pass can only be generated on the TousAntiCovid app using a QR code but vaccination certificates have not always contained this element
I have received all three Covid vaccinations but was never given a certificate with a QR code. How can I be sure that I will have a valid health pass?
Anyone who was vaccinated in France before May 3 will have been given a certificate which does not contain a QR code compatible with the TousAntiCovid health pass app.
A Connexion reader from Tarn-et-Garonne (Occitanie) has also reported that their nearest vaccination centre in Moissac has issued certificates without codes even for booster doses administered recently.
The public spaces and services where health passes are required can generally only scan a QR code to permit entry, and so this element is needed for the pass to work.
If you have not been given a document containing a QR code, you can log into your personal Assurance maladie account via the FranceConnect service and go to the ‘Attestation Vaccin - Assurance Maladie’ page.
Here you should find a copy of your vaccination certificate complete with a QR code. The record is updated with each dose you receive so the code relating to your booster should be added after your injection.
The certificate PDF can either be downloaded straight to your tablet or smartphone and added to your TousAntiCovid wallet, or printed off and scanned manually into the app.
If you need any help with importing your certificate to TousAntiCovid, you can ring 0800 087 148 every day from 09:00 until 20:00.
If you cannot access FranceConnect, you can ask your GP for a copy of the certificate.
If you have had all of the required vaccine doses and your certificate has not been updated, you should ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse to update your records.
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