Why was application to switch UK driving licence for French one rejected?
Residency rights affect whether licence switches can be made
Will French power of attorney be applicable in UK?
Antonia Ridley-Hughes of Ashtons Legal answers a reader query
Is taxe d’habitation required for flats let in French farmhouse?
Taxes due depend on the status of the property
Where can I complain about slow internet speed in France?
After contacting the internet provider's customer service, the next step is to speak to the provider’s consumer service ( service consommateurs )
Reader question: I live in Brittany and my internet connection is appalling. My provider insists it is not and I feel I am being swindled. What can I do about it?
First, you should find out where the problem is coming from.
If you are sure it comes from the provider and are unhappy with the response from its customer service, the next step is to contact the provider’s consumer service (service consommateurs), if it has one.
Contact details should be on the contract that was given to you or on your operator’s website. Send your complaint by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
If a solution is still not found at this point, you can take your complaint to national mediators. The government has guidelines (in French only) on steps to take .
If you cannot come to an agreement and want to change provider, you can terminate your contract, although you might still have to pay for several months after doing so if you have a fixed-term contract.
You may, however, want to check if the problem comes from elsewhere.
Try testing your own internet speed, which you can do on a number of websites for free, such as Que Choisir.
You can find the power of broadband in your area at maconnexioninternet.arcep.fr. It may also be worth inquiring at the mairie if anyone else nearby has a poor connection as there may be problems with the phone lines (this happens especially in rural areas).
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