Ca ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard: Fun French expression no. 4

Can you guess what this expression means in English?

A view of three mallard ducks lined up on a log
Ducks have two feet, or pattes as they are called in French
Published Last updated

Among French’s amusing expressions, you can find a few involving animals. The fourth expression in our series involves a duck. 

Ca ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard

Literal translation: It does not break a duck’s three feet 

Ducks only have two feet. For something to break a duck’s third foot, it needs to be extremely impressive or surprising, so when something is underwhelming, it can be described as not breaking a duck’s third foot. 

If you were asked your opinion about something that you thought was mediocre, you could answer ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard. 

It is not clear why the duck was the animal chosen for this expression. One theory is that it actually refers to a racehorse, which were called cagnard and that this then became canard over time. 

Read more: On va pas chercher midi à quatorze heures : Fun French expression no. 1

Read more: Avoir le temps de tuer un âne à coup de figues molles: Fun French expression no. 2

Read more: Péter dans la soie: Fun French expression no. 3

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