Snow on way with new cold spell set to hit France this week

Up to one metre of snow is set to fall in the Cévennes, alongside heavy rain

Snowfall is expected on Friday and Saturday across much of France, with drivers being warned of the impact
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A short but powerful cold snap is set to cover most of France at the end of this week, bringing rain and snow to much of France alongside cooler temperatures.

Cold air blowing into the country from Germany will push the calmer winds currently in the skies away, beginning on Friday (February 7) morning.

It will see temperatures – already currently below national averages for February – drop further as the bitter winds cover northern and central France. 

Morning temperatures are set to be particularly affected, and the risk of icy and snow road conditions (neige-verglas) and subsequent warnings are likely. 

Read more: 4 tips to stay safe and check icy roads in real-time in France

The north of France is unlikely to register temperatures above 0C in the mornings of Friday and Saturday (February 8), except in Paris and parts of Brittany. 

In the south-west, morning temperatures will struggle to reach above 4C. 

Temperatures along the Mediterranean will be affected, with highs of 12C replacing the 17C felt earlier in the week.

Risk of snow and rain 

Early forecasts from the start of this week already announced the arrival of bitter winds and subsequent temperature drop.

Read more: Calm but colder: French weekly weather outlook February 3 - 7

However, there was uncertainty over whether other conditions would be present alongside the winds. 

It is now increasingly likely that the winds will be followed by rain, particularly in the north and in the centre of France. 

On Friday and Saturday this rain is expected to turn into snow. 

The snow will almost certainly hit parts of the Massif Central, as well as the north of France. 

Mountain ranges will receive a hearty top-up of snow, but on Saturday even areas at a lower altitudes in eastern and northern France may see snow fall and potentially settle.

Up to 1 metre of snow may fall in the Cévennes, which at the same time could see over 200 mm of rain over the weekend. 

Weather warnings for the end of the week are yet to be announced, however they are available from state forecaster Météo France 48 hours in advance through its official website

Keeping up with local weather reports is also recommended, as it is likely heightened warnings will be put in place during the spell.