April date announced for opening of 2025 income tax declarations in France
Declarations concern income received in 2024 and usually need to be made online, with deadlines depending on where you live
You can use a simulator before the official opening to estimate any additional taxes
Natee Meepian // Shutterstock
Income tax declarations will open on April 10 in France this year, it has been announced, confirming the expected start date given by various media outlets in recent days.
The deadlines for filing, which vary depending on a declarant’s department (or if they live overseas) and their method of completion, are yet to be confirmed.
Usually there are three and they fall at the end of May and beginning of June, giving declarants six to nine weeks to hand over the information.
This spring’s declaration (for 2024 income) should in most cases be completed online through your personal space on the French tax site (note that the front page of website has been modernised and has a new layout) unless it is your first declaration, in which case it can be completed on paper forms.
Paper forms are also available for those who have special permission to use them (such as poor internet access) from their local tax authority.
It is possible to use an official government simulator to estimate how much tax you will need to pay (or if you do not need to pay any at all) when you make your official declaration.
Read more: Official tool is now open for people in France to estimate their 2025 income tax bill
Several changes
As a reminder, tax bands for this year’s declaration increased by 1.8%, in line with France’s levels of inflation in 2024.
It means that 619,000 households will avoid paying any income tax or not be thrown into a higher tax bracket, the Finance Ministry said.
This increase also means various tax allowances for over 65s and disabled declarants have risen in tandem.
Certain benefits such as a tax-reduction when donating to certain charities, and an exemption on tax collection for tips, have also been included or continued for this year’s declaration.
Our articles below cover these key points.
Read more: French income tax declarations: some good news this year
Read more: French tax allowance for many over-65s is rising
Read more: What is the maximum amount a person can earn before they pay income tax in France?