30kph limit for Strasbourg

Speed limits in Strasbourg could soon be cut to 30kph in an attempt to stop accidents, noise and emissions

SPEED limits in Strasbourg could soon be cut to 30kph in an attempt to stop accidents, noise and emissions.

The mairie is writing to the town’s 140,000 voters in May to ascertain public opinion.

If agreed, Strasbourg would be the first in France to set a 30kph limit; just under 40 years ago, it was the first to cut the 60kph limit to 50.

The Alsace capital has a large pedestrianised centre and 52 per cent of journeys around town are done on foot.

Mayor Roland Ries said the limit would save lives: the risk of a fatality in an accident was 20 per cent at 30kph, but 60-80 per cent for vehicles travelling at 50kph.