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Map: Our tour of France by local sweets, treats and desserts
From kouglofs to éclairs to tropéziennes, we take you on a sugar rush-inducing trip around the l'Hexagone
The French certainly have a collective sweet tooth. Studies show that the average adult will eat 35kg of sugar every year, 15kg more than the global average.
This could in part be explained by the tendency to have a sugary breakfast – un petit-déjeuner sucré.
Or it could be explained by the fact that there are so many delicious desserts on offer around the country.
In our map below we pick out some of the most common ones from different parts of France.
If you know of any others that you think should be on our map, you can write in and let us know at news@connexionfrance.com
This map is part of our ongoing series showcasing different elements of French society and culture through maps.
We have also written aboutlocal apéritifs andthe best towns and cities in France to live in.
If you have any suggestions for topics you would like us to cover or think we should add anything to our previous articles, let us know atnews@connexionfrance.com.
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