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Helpful vocabulary to talk about the coronation in French
If you are the only anglophone in your town or village, you might need to speak in French about Charles III’s coronation

The coronation is causing waves around the world, and France is no different.
Every news stand you pass you in France will see headlines and magazine articles about Saturday’s event.
With that in mind, as the resident anglophone in your town or village, people may strike up conversations about the coronation.
Many of the Royal family actually speak quite good French - the Queen was often credited with her level of French.
To help you prepare, we have gathered some key phrases for talking about the Royal family.
1. Le couronnement - The coronation
2. L’hymne national - national anthem
3. Preter le serment d'allégeance - swear the oath of allegiance
4. Carrosse à cheval - Horse-drawn carriage
5. Millions de téléspectateurs - millions of TV viewers
6. La procession de Buckingham Palace à l'abbaye de Westminster - the parade from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey
Read also: Tips on how to practise your French conversation skills in Franc
7. L'archevêque de Canterbury (or Cantorbéry) - Archbishop of Canterbury
8. S'installer dans le trône royal - to sit on the Royal throne
9. Le public est invité à prêter allégeance au nouveau roi - the public is invited to pledge their allegiance to the new King
10. Etre oint d’huile sacree - To be anointed with sacred oil
11. Trois jours de fêtes - three days of celebration
12. Les monuments du Royaume-Uni seront illuminés par des projections - monuments in the UK will be illuminated by projections
13. Un événement à haut risque - a high risk event
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