Tax declarations in France: How to tell an official email from a scam
Staying alert can help protect you and your money during this declaration period
Millions to get email from French tax officials: be sure to read it
If the information contained is wrong and you do not take action you could be fined
Eight reasons to be cheerful about French income tax in 2024
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Free phone help from accountants for French income tax declarations
We have also updated our 2023 French Income Tax guide with additional reader questions – see below for the topics

Accountants will be offering free consultations to help with tax declarations later this month.
Running for the 13th year in a row, the Allô Impôt service is mostly carried out over the phone, by accountants from Ile-de-France, but anyone can call for advice.
People can call on 0800 065 432 to ask their questions and will likely obtain more personalised expert help than you could get, for example, by calling the general income tax helpline provided by the tax services (0809 401 401).
Another good way to receive targeted help is to send a personal message to the tax office via your online messaging service, but the Allô Impôt scheme is confidential and anonymous and there is no wait for a response.
Line will be open from 9:00 to 18:00 on May 23-26, though bear in mind if you are in one of the first group of departments for tax declaration dates this is close to (or after) the deadline of midnight on May 25.
Evening consultations are also being held until 21:00 on May 23 and May 25.
The website of Allô Impôt also promises the possibility of some in-person help in certain areas, but so far in mainland France it is only showing options in Hauts-de-France.
Income Tax in France 2023 help guide updated
For more about how to declare income to France this year, The Connexion has also published the latest edition of our digital annual income tax help guide, and we have now republished it with extra reader questions answered or updated.
Among the new questions we have covered are:
Which pensions are taxable only in the UK for British retirees living in France?
If you have notified the existence of a foreign bank to France previously, will the bank declare income received in it last year, such as Premium Bond winnings, to France?
Do payments received from an employer for home working expenses have to be declared?
What happens if you move to France from abroad but continue being paid by the same foreign firm for remote working?
Are second-home owners who pay no income tax in France concerned by new Biens Immobiliers declaration of property use?
As a UK state pensioner but also an auto-entrepreneur (so attached to the French health system) how do I declare UK pension income, and do I pay social charges on this?
Can I assume that foreign accounts declared to the tax office in the past are still on the system even if not prefilled on the online form?
If I received a combination of French and foreign interest, which sections / forms do these amounts have to be inserted in?
You can see more about what the digital guide covers at this link.
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