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French Riviera villa where famous kiss took place goes up for sale
For €3.6million, you could create the iconic moment between Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1955 film
The Riviera villa that provided the backdrop to a famous kiss between Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1955 film To Catch a Thief (inset) has gone on sale.
The 425m² Les Bolovens, in Saint-Jeannet in the hills above Nice, has seven bedrooms and views of Nice and the Mediterranean.
It is listed by Côte d’Azur Sotheby’s International Realty Nice for €3.6million.
Media attention has attracted the interest of several serious potential buyers, including fans of the British filmmaker, said agency director Eric Laboue.
“We have people from Los Angeles who are flying over just for a visit.”
As the playground of celebrities and filmmakers, the Côte d’Azur is unsurprisingly home to many properties with starry backstories.
Also on Sotheby’s books is the nine-bedroom Domaine de Beaumont in Valbonne, which was the holiday home of the Kennedy family when JFK was a child and his father was US ambassador in London.
“When buying a house, there is a technical part to consider – the size, the views, the orientation,” Mr Laboue said.
“Then there is sometimes another part, which is cultural, sentimental, or historical.
This is precious to us because some people are much more sensitive to this aspect.”
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