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Last-minute help with the French property form deadline looming
The deadline for the declaration has been put back three times
The deadline for France’s mandatory property declaration (biens immobiliers) for all homeowners is set for Thursday.
After numerous pushbacks and delays - the most recent of which was announced fewer than two weeks ago - tax authorities have set August 10 as the final deadline for the form.
All property owners, including second-home owners, those who rent out their homes and those who own their home through a company - SCI (société civile immobilière) - need to complete the form before midnight on Thursday.
The most recent pushback was made both due to technical issues on the tax site close to the previous July 31 deadline and the issues people were experiencing with the form
There is a potential fine of €150 (per property you own) for not completing the form, however, the tax authorities have stated that they will “show goodwill towards latecomers acting in good faith” and “that no penalty will be applied this year”.
Below are the answers to some last-minute questions we received about completing the property declaration.
We have also created links to other Connexion articles on the topic, as well as to our recent dedicated subscriber questions newsletter, where we answered some of our reader’s specific questions on the form.
How do I fill out the form?
The biens immobiliers declaration is found in your personal space on the French tax website impots.gouv.fr.
Note for those who have their property held under an SCI, you will find it listed under the professional space section on the website.
Alternatively, if you are in France, you can call the tax authorities on 0809 401 401, and complete the form over the phone.
Officially, there is no paper version of the declaration, although some departments were said to be offering them.
To log onto the French tax site, you will need a numéro fiscal and a password.
Information on how to find, or create this information – both for residents and non-residents alike – can be found in the links below:
Read more: How do I get a numéro fiscal to access the French tax site?
Read more: France property declaration: How can I find login information?
Read more: New property form: How do I get a password for the French tax site?
Once you have logged on to the site, you will need to click on the Gérer mes biens immobiliers section to find your properties.
Properties bought after January 1, 2023, will not be listed. Conversely, if you sold a property in late 2022 and the sale did not go through until 2023, you will have to fill out the form for that property yourself.
If you rent out the property on a full-time basis, it is your responsibility as the owner to complete the form.
Below you can read our step-by-step guide – with photos – on completing the declaration.
Read more: Updated step-by-step guide to France’s property form (with pictures)
What do I do if there are problems with the form?
If you believe the form contains incorrect information, it is useful to remember the tax authorities measure some details differently to estate agents.
This includes the m² of a property and the number of rooms – you can read more about that here.
If you still believe there is an issue, you can leave a message for the tax authorities using the J’ai une question sur le descriptif de mon bien immobilier button.
The tax authorities have said that even if there is a problem with the information, you should still submit the form before the deadline and leave your query.
Using your message, the authorities can update the information at a later date after the form’s deadline.
Additional help
If you are still looking for an answer to a question relating to the declaration, we may have written about it before.
Below is a collection of articles written by our team, including information for second-home owners about the form, questions behind the reasoning of the form, and an FAQ.
Read more: Key points to help you complete France’s new obligatory property form
On top of this, in June The Connexion also dedicated a week of its reader questions to the topic. Other than the ones already mentioned, you can find the rest of these down below:
- French property form: Why am I asked about visits to our holiday home?
- New property form: How are owners being informed about this?
- Property form: What if my home is not listed on the French tax site?
- French property declaration: Who completes this if owned via an SCI?
- French property form: Will I be fined if I miss the June 30 deadline?
- French property form: How do I make corrections after submitting it?
- Is it true there is a paper version of France’s property declaration?
- French property form: what is the meaning and impact of number rating
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