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Taxes due depend on the status of the property
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France calling for kerosene tax
France is calling for Europe-wide taxation of kerosene – the fuel used by planes – to reduce pollution and help with carbon neutrality.
Carbon neutrality refers to balancing carbon dioxide emissions from human activity with removal and/or reduction. Carbon dioxide is blamed for the greenhouse effect/global warming.
France launched the idea of extra taxation of the aviation sector, probably by a tax on kerosene, at a meeting of EU transport ministers.
The plan is backed by several other states and the European Commission may consider it as part of a forthcoming review of tax on energy.
Currently, kerosene is exempt from VAT and fuel tax in France. However, the air sector said a change to taxation would put thousands of jobs at risk and make French airlines uncompetitive.
France’s transport minister said a kerosene tax should not be adopted unilaterally by France.