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What is the ‘FranceConnect’ button used for on websites?
The button appears on over 1,000 French websites
FranceConnect: why you may not have access to it
FranceConnect provides 'one-stop' online access to different government services and other, eg utility company, sites

Reader question: I wanted to use the FranceConnect system to log into the government’s ANTS website to change the address on my car’s carte grise. When I tried to use my impots.gouv.fr log-in details I was told they are not acceptable. What could be up? J.M.
There are several issues which can arise with using FranceConnect, which is aimed at simplifying connection to many websites of official bodies and utility companies to carry out formalities.
In theory, if you have an account on one of the main partner sites, you can use that site’s log-ins to access all the sites set up to use FranceConnect.
Log-ins listed as acceptable include those for the tax website, Ameli (health), Mobile Connect et Moi (for Orange customers), the MSA agricultural social security body, or La Poste’s identité numérique.
It is increasingly used and avoids having multiple passwords and usernames.
One issue that can prevent you is if you have never had a French social security number – for example, because you are non-resident or are a frontier worker attached to another country’s social security system.
This is because one requirement is to be listed in national statistics body Insee’s Répertoire National des Identifications des Personnes Physiques (RNIPP) database of people born in France and/or who have worked, studied or had healthcare rights here.
The FranceConnect service consults the RNIPP to check if the person’s identity exists and that they have not died.
It will not connect if this cannot be done.
Other situations which can cause problems include:
- If you have a provisional social security number (which might be issued temporarily the first time someone joins the French social security system);
- If the family name, first or second names, or date and place of birth in the RNIPP are not the same as those you used for the account whose log-ins you are using for FranceConnect.
This should not usually be the case if they are the same as those on official documents, such as passport and birth certificate.
It is worth checking for solutions by contacting your tax office (the online messaging service in your personal space is quick), and/or by contacting Insee or FranceConnect.
If you have a French social security number and think your details need checking or changing, you can also contact your social security body.
Note that on most sites you will have the alternative of creating a specific account and new log-ins. If you have issues with applying online for changes to your carte grise, an alternative is to pay a professional to apply for you.
In theory, you can also inform, free of charge, of address changes here.
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