Will new EU border security rules affect double passport holders?
We look at rules if you have two countries’ passports or two from the same country
How are insurance details provided following road accidents in France?
Green insurance stickers were rarely used following accidents
Customs: what are rules for taking house items from France to UK to give to relatives?
Personal goods allowances change depending on how you arrive in the country
How can I trace the number of unknown phone number?
Three times this week I have come home to find a number has called me but not left a message. I do not know the number – is there a way to trace who it belongs to? D.L.

If you have received a call from an unknown number there are several online ‘reverse directories’ which may help you trace who it was. However these may not help if the number is one that is internal to a company or if the user asked to be on a ‘liste rouge’ (ex-directory list).
For landlines try: www.pagesjaunes.fr/annuaireinverse (this is the Annuaire Inversé of the French yellow – and white - pages); annuaire-inverse.118000.fr (the same for the directory enquiries service 118 000) or infobel.com/fr/france
The following two may also identify mobile phone numbers: www.fasto.com and local.fr/annuaire-inverse