Avoir le temps de tuer un âne à coup de figues molles: Fun French expression no. 2

This expression is often used in the south

A close up of a donkey's face and a view of some figs
Killing a donkey with soft figs is an impossible task
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The French have lots of expressions for when they want to complain about something and these can sometimes be very funny. 

Below is the second in our series of amusing French expressions. 

Read more: On va pas chercher midi à quatorze heures : Fun French expression no. 1

Avoir le temps de tuer un âne à coup de figues molles

Literal translation: Having the time to kill a donkey with soft figs

As you can probably guess, killing a donkey with soft figs would take a very long time (if possible at all). Therefore, when describing something taking a super long time, people from the south sometimes use this expression to express their discontent. 

For example, to complain about someone being late somewhere, you could say ‘j’ai eu le temps de tuer un âne à coup de figues molles’ (equivalent to ‘I’ve been waiting for ages’). 

Figs being a southern, Mediterranean fruit, the expression is not so used in other areas of France. 

It is also used to refer to an action that takes a long time. If you set out to look for a needle in a haystack, someone might tell you autant tuer un âne à coup de figues (‘might as well kill a donkey with figs’). 

It is used in the Astérix comic book Astérix en Corse. When describing a character who fell on his head as a child, an old Corsican says: “Il était devenu tellement bête qu'avant de lui faire comprendre quelque chose, on avait le temps de tuer son âne à coups de figues molles.

This translates to: “He became so stupid that before we could make him understand anything, we had time to kill a donkey with soft figs.” 

Do you have a favourite amusing French expression? Share it with us at feedback@connexionfrance.com