'I feel sorry for all the stray cats in my French village'
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on what to do with abandoned - or feral - felines
Animal charities such as the SPA can come to pick up stray cats
Bussakorn Ewesakul / Shutterstock
Dear Cynth,
I have a second home in Cher, which I normally visit for about five months over the summer.
There are quite a few stray cats in the area and I make efforts to feed one or two of them regularly when I am over.
My partner, however, insists this is cruel behaviour as they are effectively abandoned over winter when we are not here. I hate to think he is right – is he?
Your email tugs at my heartstrings, as I am a passionate animal lover.
It also reminds me of my holidays in Tourrettes-sur-Loup (Alpes-Maritimes) at my aunt’s house.
She would feed all the local stray cats regularly, much to the disdain of my uncle.
My aunt even named them! She was terrified that when she died, the cats would perish without her – in reality they all outlived her.
While I appreciate your partner’s logic, I do not see what you are doing as being cruel. After all, you are ensuring that the cats get a square meal when you are there.
Cats go where the food is and are not particularly fussy about who is supplying it.
I would wager that they are probably finding some other kind soul to feed them in your absence.
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Any letters selected for publication will be anonymised. Cynthia will endeavour to reply to all emails.
To reassure yourself – do you have any sympathetic neighbours you could chat to about your fears?
Do you know any other animal lovers in your area? You could also have a word with the local vet. Are the cats still there when you return later? You may be worrying needlessly.
Your partner is of course entitled to his opinion, but my advice is to follow your heart. For animal charities, see the following links: la-spa.fr and lesamisdesanimaux.com.
Read more: Five things you may not know... about pets in France