Five things they don't tell you about… 
guichets in France

Exploring the unique blend of courtesy and obstinacy behind French counters

Upset the person behind that window at your peril
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Les guichetiers et guichetières

It is well known that any French person finding themselves sitting behind a small window, whether it be selling cinema tickets, collecting taxes, or giving out tourist information, will instantly morph from affable Frenchie into a condescending, toffee-nosed menace. Their only aim is to thwart your every wish. Attention!

La politesse

It is acceptable to be as uncooperative as they can, if it is done with impeccable manners. This is why disobliging behaviour is always preceded by the word 'désolé/désolée' - or in extremis the phrase 'je suis navré/navrée, along with a tight smile. Argue back at your peril. D'accord!

Read more: Five things they don’t tell you about entertaining in France

La pause

Naturally lunchtime is sacred, meaning staff are less likely to enter into protracted arguments just before they knock off for the morning and head for the canteen. Getting dodgy paperwork stamped is very often easier at 11.55 than at 9.00 because a sharpened appetite tends to expedite matters. Bon appétit!

La dispute

If you are determined to get a result, be prepared to argue. Sometimes rephrasing a request can yield results; if reduced tickets are not available for children, are they available for under-12s? Or students? Or families? Or residents of the commune? What about if you pay in cash? Ca chauffe!

Le charme

You can try charm and it might work as long as there is no hint of desperation or weakness behind the smile. Try for the kind of ruthless, ultra-courteous, smiling manners of a hungry cobra, or Marlon Brando as the Godfather, or Macron explaining tax rises on diesel. Je ne lâche rien!