Letters: Are French disabled badges not valid in UK?

One reader has issues when visiting a UK airport, while another has had no such problems

Disabled parking bay
Rules for blue badge holders

To the Editor,

I have the French carte stationnement and find the airports are the worst culprits, particularly East Midlands. 

You cannot use the disability 30 minutes free parking with a French badge. 

You have to inform them online to book, and the machines do not recognise French badge numbers. 

I have lodged a complaint but after three years with no reply I am not holding my breath.

Read more: Can you use a French disabled parking badge in the UK?

Lynne Chappell, by email

To the Editor,

We have a chalet in Haute-Savoie and we have been using my UK disabled disc in France and Switzerland all the time since I got it, with no problem.

Are we just lucky?

Dick Griffiths, by email

What is your experience of using a French disabled parking badge in the UK? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com