Letters: France must not tolerate political corruption 

Connexion reader says it is right that Marine Le Pen should be prevented from holding office if found guilty

Marine Le Pen is accused of misuse of public funds

To the Editor,

Regarding Simon Heffer’s recent opinion piece in The Connexion, just because other politicians got away with corruption, Marine Le Pen should not face justice? What happened to the rule of law? 

If she is found guilty then she should face the consequences and if that includes being banned from standing for office, then so be it. 

Read more: Marine Le Pen’s trial for misuse of EU funds starts in Paris

To suggest that doing so would be undemocratic is to kowtow to the rule of the mob. 

Liberal democracy is in a bad place at the moment and allowing political considerations to interfere with the judicial process is not going to improve matters.

Ian Davis, Bouches-du-Rhône

What are your opinions on political corruption in France? Should politicians be sanctioned at the ballot box or in courts? Share your views at letters@connexionfrance.com