Letters: France needs to support Ukraine or I will with my credit card

Connexion reader says individuals feel increasingly pressured to support the fight

Reader says that President Macron's position is frustrating

To the Editor,

I share the frustration expressed by Louis James concerning lack of support for Ukraine from France.

Read more: Letters: France should do more to support Ukraine

TV brings awful visions of war into our homes and anyone with empathy and a sense of moral justice would expect for Ukraine to obtain all the support needed for their resistance.

As for paying by credit card to fund lethal weapons for Ukraine however, at this stage, I am personally hesitant since the political situation in France is hardly as abject as in Slovakia.

However, thinking back to the look we saw on the face of a well-known future French presidential candidate as she shook hands with a smirking Mr Putin in 2017, I cannot dismiss the possibility I would change my mind.

Antony Rutt, by email

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