Letters: France should ban harmful oils to curb obesity
Connexion reader says working people do not have the time to cook healthy food
Reader suggests that some cooking oils should be banned
Sergio Foto / Shutterstock
To the Editor,
We have noticed since 2002 that there are many more obese and overweight people in France.
We think this is due to eating a lot more processed food and moving away from a healthy diet.
The supermarket aisles are full of processed food. A lot of this 'food' contains bad grains, colza and additives.
What I call real food has now become increasingly expensive and many can only afford pizzas and the like.
You are what you eat. I think culturally many people do not cook now. They do not know how to. They do not prioritize it
Many families are in the cycle of two people working to survive.
The children suffer as does the real quality of family life. It is likened to the hamster wheel, running faster to pay for more expensive properties, food, energy and holidays.
Life has not improved in terms of the really important aspects of social family cohesion, how to eat and health. It is too easy to pop to the pharmacy and get a prescription that never deals with a route cause.
There really does need to be a national debate about food from big food. T
here is a need to get back to affordable real food.
Colza and other oils are the devil. They are hard to break down and lead to many health issues.
You can run a diesel car on some of these oils. Just think about that! Many should be banned.
Peter Mozelewski, by email
Have you noticed a move away from traditional cooking in France? Do you agree that some oils should be banned? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com