Letters: 'France's aggressive drivers make me shudder'

Connexion reader says French drivers are 'more reckless' than those in Germany

A view of an elderly person’s hands driving a car
Reader agrees with two letters that say French drivers are particularly aggressive,

To the Editor,

The letters from two readers about aggressive driving (June, Connexion) struck a chord with me.

When I came to live in France 34 years ago, I had been living in Germany for a total of 22 years. The driving there was fast but not reckless or dangerous.

Read more: Too angry, too fast, too close: French drivers confess their bad habits

Now, if I see a local driver at the wheel of an Audi, a BMW or a Mercedes, I shudder.

Janet Forster, Aude

Send us your own views and experiences via letters@connexionfrance.com