Letters: France's hot weather and limited bin pick ups make for bad mix

Reader says that composting is impractical for second home owners who live abroad

Reader notes that not all people can hope to use their compost

To the Editor,

Thanks for the article on waste bins and bin collections

I think the problem is in hot weather. In our commune we’re only allowed one black bin collection every month, so what are people supposed to do with fish waste off their plates or meat that went off? 

You can’t put that on a compost as that is ill advised and will attract vermin so what happens in hot weather maggots in bins and great increase in fly tipping. 

It is not so much the charges but the health risks and fly tipping risks that’s bad if you’re only going to have one free collection of black bins a month. 

Also composting doesn’t work if you’re not there to manage it – because you’re a second home owner from abroad.

In our case with my disabled husband I’d never ever use the composted debris once decomposed so it would just get bigger and bigger each year. 

For some departments and communes it’s not so much the charges, but coping with only one bin collection a month, and them checking up on you by recording each time the black bin was put out.

Julie Fox, by email

How are you affected by the limited bin pick ups? Do you find that composts are effective for kitchen waste? Share your experience via letters@connexionfrance.com