Letters: France's new toll free motorways confuse - and impress

Connexion readers share their experience of driving under the new system 

One reader says that the free-flow system is an improvement on the automatic tolls, which he calls 'a wasteful use of petrol'

To the Editor,

We leased a Citroen for our eight-week driving tour through Italy, France and Spain. 

Our drop off date was June 22, 2024 and our destination was Charles de Gaulle Airport (having departed from Caen).

We paid 2 or 3 tolls on this last journey but copped the fine on the A14 or 13. 

There had been absolutely no information that this free-flow toll method would be in use (not that we would have understood it!) and it was just our bad luck that the system had started on June 19.

We received the fine on July 27 when we were already back home so we missed the first cheaper payment. 

As a NZ tourist I feel a little annoyed at this process - we were happy to pay each toll and had no opportunity to pay the fine at the time. 

Ena McGinn, by email

Read more:  LIST: where barrier-free motorway tolls are starting in France and when

To the Editor,

I travelled along the A79 on the way to see my son and his family in Poland. 

We didn’t realise that it was péage-free until we received an email from the Flux libre website saying that we had 72 hours to pay the toll or accept a fine.

They supplied a website where we could pay, which we did, but are not tech savvy, both being in our 80s. 

On the way back to France we stopped at one of the pay stations, but decided we preferred to pay once we got back to our house in France. 

Two days later, we did just that.

Now we know how they work, having read all the instructions, we think they are definitely the way forward.

If me and my wife can work it out using Google translate, then surely it shouldn’t be so difficult for a French person.

I am not a great fan of change for change's sake, but we did not find this hard. Read the instructions, that’s what they are there for! I am all for them!

Anthony Lammas, by email

Read more:  Why French motorway péage tariffs could be set to rise (a lot)

To the Editor,

Our first experience of this type of motorway was last August - we travelled on the A79.

There were lots of signs stating the ways to pay, we noted the online payment address. 

The next morning I went online and put in my car registration number, paid by debit card - done !

Easy journey and easy payment system.

Since then, we have become Ulys users, and have travelled that same motorway again. This time it charged us through Ulys with no problem at all.

Claudia Herring, by email

Read more:  Drivers complain over barrier-free French motorways - and their fines

To the Editor,

I have an electronic Toll Badge (APRR) and have travelled through France, Spain, Portugal and Italy with it. Never had any trouble! 

At times I do not use a motorway for months, which is no problem as I do not get charged. In France I even get a discount for having an EV.

Yes there is an initial charge for the badge but this makes up not having to worry.


Siegfried Strasser, by email

To the Editor,

I have had no issues with the new system at all and it is far preferable to the old system (which I had cause to revisit around Avignon last week) with its huge queues, wasteful use of petrol and hugely dangerous restart as 15 lanes of péage exit roads crammed with French drivers sprint to fit into the two or three lanes of motorway on the other side.

All motorways should be equipped with this technology ASAP!

Brian G Muirhead, Charente 

What has your experience been with the toll-free system? Is it an improvement on the old system of tolls? Let us know via letters@connexionfrance.com