Letters: French DPE system for energy efficiency is all about money

Reader says that the diagnostic models were devised to make people purchase on heat pumps, solar panels and insulation

The energy audit offers at least two recommendations for potential improvement projects for the property

To the Editor,

We had a diagnostic de performance énergétique [DPE, or energy performance diagnostic] done in 2020. 

The diagnostician allocated the electricity that we used for an efficient electric range in the kitchen and a hot tub. Both were optional items that would not be needed. 

What we used was irrelevant. In the end after we pointed this out he could not allocate a rating. What a farce. We paid for no result in the end.

Now there are pages of stuff in these diagnostics. Many old houses have all sorts of materials: Brick, stone, torchis, wood, plaster, slate, terracota. Windows are different sizes. We have small windows. We have shutters and curtains. Are these factors in the model?

We have a 400 year old colombage longère that would be ruined by the imposition of horrid plastic windows, intrusive insulation, noisy inefficient heat pumps, solar panels and wind turbines. 

The energy we use is miniscule in the grand scheme of life. 

We are told a pellet burner that requires a fabricated product plus electricity is better than a wood burner! 

The whole thing is a farce. The EU buys tons of stuff made in China with dirty energy.

The reality is that this is all about money, tax and control.

The government wants people to spend money on heat pumps, solar energy and insulation. 

Therefore the way to help this is to create a diagnostic model that provides assessments that then legislate for people to spend money. Old as the hills!

These diagnostic models are questionable. They are based on the result that is desired. This may sound cynical but I would not trust a government or dependent authority to operate a transparent evaluation. 

The so-called valuations for solutions are farcical. I have seen many. They provide ammunition for buyers to knock down prices.

Peter Mozelewski, by email

Have you performed a DPE energy diagnostic on your home? Do you believe they are worthwhile? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com