Letters: French emergency care is fast and effective - unlike in the UK

Connexion reader says people forget how long the wait for ambulances and treatment can be in Britain and Ireland

Reader says that French ambulances have always arrived for her within fifteen minutes,

To the Editor,

I read Mr Alcock’s comments with interest and wondered when he was last in the UK to experience the health and dentistry services available there? 

If the media reports are to be believed, the situation there is dire and healthcare professionals are not getting the support they need.

In France, my own experiences have shown emergency care to be exemplary: once for my ex-partner and twice for me within the last three years. 

In each case, including an accident five weeks ago, the ambulance arrived in around 12 minutes. I was admitted, assessed, stitched and given the necessary post-care instructions, all within four hours.

In comparison, in three emergency incidents that involved me calling an ambulance for my mother in Dublin in October, November 2023 and January 2024 it took more than four hours for it to arrive, followed by 14-18 hours in triage. On each occasion she was admitted for between two and five weeks.

I have also seen strangers collapse in front of me twice in France, and both times the emergency services responded quickly to my calls.

In brief, Mr Alcock should know after ‘all his years in France’ that the summer months are difficult.

That being said, I’ve had a specialist see me on New Year’s Day, found a dentist for a broken tooth in August (during Covid), and had an emergency nurse riding a moped stop at a roundabout to administer an injection.

Read more:  Does France still shut down for the month of August?

All this to say, all circumstances are different but I am very grateful for the assistance I have received from French medical and dental professionals.

Suzanne Bradley, by email

What is your view of healthcare and emergency care in France? Send us your experience via letters@connexionfrance.com