Letters: French GP is charging more than he should for consultation

Connexion reader says her doctor is already asking for €30 per visit

The price of a GP consultation is scheduled to rise from €26.50 to €30 on December 22, 2024

To the Editor,

My doctor has been charging €30 for months. 

When he first asked for €30, I said that I had heard the government had not agreed to raise the fee. 

He replied: "Yes, but the doctors didn't agree.”

On the other hand, my doctor is playing by the new rules noted in your article [in return for improved pay, doctors have agreed to reduce prescriptions, examinations and distribution of sick notes where possible and safe to do so].

I mentioned a possible scan, recommended by a radiologist, and he said that it was not necessary, so no prescription. I asked for advice for other problems. His response: "Rien à faire."

Luckily, I can circumvent him, and I am now doing the favourite activité of retired French people: appointments with specialists.

Rosemary Wilson, by email

Have you encountered a French GP charging more than they should? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com