Letters: French ski resorts always struggle outside of ski season

Readers spar over the apparent demise of winter resorts in France

Reader notes that ski resorts see little use outside of the winter season

To the Editor,

Nick Inman’s article reminded me of a trip across the north of the Pyrenees from west to east about 15 years ago (ie. before any apparent acceptance of the significant impact of climate change).

It was during summer and we passed through a ski resort of high-rise apartments above closed shops, with the main street occupied by numerous cattle which, judging by the piles of dung, had spent some considerable time sheltering in the shade of the apartments, without any sign of another vehicle.

It demonstrates how little use was made of the facilities outside any skiing season!

Stan E. Clarke, by email

Read more: Ski chalet owners in French Alps hit with exit fees of up to €200,000

To the Editor,

Humans have not just affected mountains by skiing – what about roads, dams, etc? 

Does Nick Inman want us all to move back into caves? Be realistic. 

I ski for seven weeks a year and I am not rich. 

Kevin Challis, Lot-et-Garonne

Read more: I moved to France and became a mountain guide

What are your thoughts on French ski resorts? Do you agree that they are in decline? Share your views at letters@connexionfrance.com