Letters: HRT in France and osteoporosis

Reader says pharmacists were surprised by this treatment as it is not standard here

Reader says as a retired nurse she knew that HRT could be advantageous for osteoporosis

To the Editor,

Recently I was unfortunately diagnosed with osteoporosis after a scan.

As a retired nurse, I Googled to see if there were any expat support groups in France. Not as far as I could see, so I started doing my own research. 

To cut a long story short, it appears to me that the medications for osteoporosis cannot ever rebuild bone back to its initial pre-osteoporotic state. And there is also a time limit on taking all of the bone-building etc medications. So what happens to our disintegrating bones then? What to do?

I knew that women on HRT are advised to be on it, not only for menopausal symptoms but also for maintaining their bone density. I had been taken off it, years ago, because of a national hysteria concerning a now proven troubling piece of research. So I began researching going back on HRT. I am 79. 

I have quite a stern médecin traitant here in Mayenne, so wondered if he would prescribe HRT to me as it is not mentioned on French osteoporosis medical sites.

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I wrote my concerns in detail, ending with a wish to go back on HRT. My equally concerned husband kindly translated it into French.

I cannot believe I am writing this but he kindly agreed. I was so relieved as it had been a very stressful journey thus far.

Our pharmacist was amazed and confirmed that women of my age being prescribed HRT simply did not happen in France. I am happy to advise any other women in France who may find themselves in my situation. 

Rose Murphy, by email

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