Letters: Motorcyclists are too aggressive on the Paris périphérique 

Connexion reader says that many drive too fast and act rudely when drivers do not let them

Motorbike rider with helmet in hand and bike in distance
Reader says that motorcyclists need to remember that motorists have limited visibility in traffic

To the Editor,

As a car driver, mainly, I have no objection to motorbikes driving between the lanes.

However I do object to the speed that most do it and their arrogance. 

A trip on the Paris périphérique can be a very distressing experience with bikes hustling by like they own the road. 

Add to that the sheer rudeness of some riders when, in their opinion, you have not moved over enough to let them hurtle through. You feel you are lucky to have made it out alive. 

I had a wing mirror punched off by a motorbike once and have seen it happen to others. 

A single, gloved, finger waved across your bonnet is not an unusual occurrence on the Paris ring roads. 

Over the years I have (I'm ashamed to admit) been quite gleeful when I've subsequently seen one such motorbike crashed on the road and its rider sitting forlornly at the side, probably already blaming a BMW, Volvo or 4x4 driver for his crash. 

Go past us, by all means, but please remember that in traffic our view is very limited. We don't see you charging through the gaps, and we aren't always able to move over enough to give you the clear path that you seem to think is your right.

We all want to get home, you know.

Ross Anderson, by email

Read more:  Three changes to driving laws in France being introduced this September

Do you drive a motorcycle or have experience of motorcyclists in France? Do you believe they are aggressive? Let us know via feedback@connexionfrance.com