Letters: Our French village fête is literally booming

Connexion reader says traditional festivities have been replaced by three consecutive nights of loud music

A view of people at a festival cheering an outdoor stage
Reader says that his local fête had been transformed into a music festival aimed at younger people

To the Editor,

Regarding recent correspondence about the evolution of village fêtes, during the 25 years we have lived in France, our local fête has changed considerably. Primarily because it is no longer local. 

Our town of Prayssac (Lot), with a population of 2,500, attracts many times more than that during the four days of the festival at the end of August. 

The ageing local residents are largely ignored with three consecutive nights of various types of ultra-loud music from early evening until 03:00, right in the centre of town. 

I am a musician myself but consider there should be more consideration and limits to both volume and duration. 

We have to live here, many of the visitors don’t.

Brian Plews, Lot

Do you think that village fêtes have become less traditional and increasingly cater to younger people? Let us know your experience at letters@connexionfrance.com