Letters: Post-Brexit reset means easing UK-France border checks

Connexion reader says a reciprocal deal on the Schengen border would help everyone

Reader notes that the Schengen Area's Entry/Exit System was conceived before Brexit

To the Editor,

We should remember that the EES system was first considered, with the support of the UK, in the early years of David Cameron’s premiership when a Brexit referendum was far from his mind. 

The challenge UK citizens now face to enter the Schengen is a direct result of Brexit.

A significant number of occasional travellers from the UK to the Schengen area are completely unaware of the forthcoming changes to the border because the UK government has undertaken zero publicity - and even fewer are aware of the imminent visa requirements.

If Keir Starmer is serious about a reset of relations with the EU there is considerable mutual benefit in seeking an opt-out for UK citizens and a reciprocal arrangement from the upcoming new UK border controls for EU citizens entering the UK.

This is not purely of economic benefit, but cultural and educational too. 

The impact across the UK and continental Europe will be huge in terms of business and leisure travel. 

Now back living in the UK, my wife and I lived and ran a business in France for 14 years which broadened our life experience in a way that will be denied others unless a mutual easing of the new systems is forthcoming.

David Hammond, Kent, UK

How do you think the Entry Exit System border checks will affect UK visitors to France? Are people in the UK aware of them? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com