Letters: The language barrier ended my dream life in France 

Reader says that despite his love for the country he just could not get to grips with French

France has it all – but you need to master the language to integrate

To the Editor,

I have read your recent articles about moving to France in later life with much interest.

My wife and I retired at 55 totally disillusioned with life and especially with living in the UK. The usual suspects were at play – poor weather, bad roads, congestion, deteriorating healthcare facilities etc. 

Having enjoyed holidays in France, we purchased a home in Montcabrier, a bastide village in the Lot, in 2006. 

The initial reaction by our new French neighbours was one of suspicion – yet another incursion by the ‘old enemy'  buying up a house for vacation purposes and giving nothing in return. 

However, when they were reassured our move was permanent, the atmosphere changed. We were welcomed and praised for our courage to live among people we did not yet know and with no more than basic French.

The villagers took every opportunity to include us in all social activities, usually arranged through the salle des fêtes and mairie. The mayor was particularly involved in our acceptance within the community. 

Our time in France, nearly 15 years, came to an end in 2020 and we reluctantly returned to the UK, just before Covid struck.

The reason was me! After all that time immersed in France, the culture, the people, the way of life, the beautiful weather, stunning countryside, empty roads and first-class healthcare, I still could not get to grips with the language. 

I became reclusive, avoided contact with my wonderful neighbours and yearned to be able to converse easily and freely as I could in the UK.

My wife had to be brought back to England kicking and screaming as she had learned the language and was therefore able to integrate to a higher level. 

Although now back in the UK, my heart and soul is still in France. It was an experience I will never forget and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to realise a dream.

Ian Burdett, by email

Have you struggled to learn French? Would you move back to the UK if you felt isolated? Share your experience with us at letters@connexionfrance.com