Letters: This photo tip makes it easier to renew UK passports in France

A Connexion reader shares how to make renewing a UK passport more straightforward

Renewing UK passports online can present extra challenges when abroad

To the Editor,

If you have only a few months left on your passport, before leaving the UK to go back to France get a digital photo from a booth or photographic shop that gives a digital reference code.

Read more: Must Britons in France keep a UK passport if not planning to move back?

That photo is more likely to be accepted than a self-taken one, or a photo from a French photo booth. The code lasts for only one month.

It is dead easy then to make an online renewal application as soon as you get back to France.

David Collin, by email

Do you have any tips for renewing UK passports while in France? Share them at letters@connexionfrance.com