Linky power cut tests in French homes said to be success

There will be no further tests for the foreseeable future, however

The power at homes in central France was lowered

An experiment to forcibly cut power levels available to homes via their Linky meters has been hailed a success.

However, it  is not being extended for n=for the time being

The tests, which happened this winter in households in Puy-du-Dôme in central France, cut the maximum power supplied down to 3kVA during two-hour peak consumption periods. 

Houses could still use lights, the refrigerator and computer equipment, but not washing machines or dishwashers. 

If too much electricity was used, the electricity meter would trip. 

Read more: Warning over Linky electricity meter frauds in France

Residents received small bonus

Households were given a €10 reduction in bills for the inconvenience, but 150 calls were received from people who had forgotten about the test. 

The experiment was prompted by fears of power cuts linked to the war in Ukraine. Enedis said 20% less power was used at peak times as a result – equivalent to the output of two nuclear power stations. 

“It is up to the government to decide if it wants this ability to cut power put into the law or not,” a spokesman said. 

“As the law stands, we can’t just decide we will cut power to houses as it is against our contracts with customers. To do the experiment, which we did at the government’s request, we had to have a decree signed by a minister and a consultation.”

 Read more: How can we cut off utilities at French second home from abroad?