Péter dans la soie: Fun French expression no. 3

This expression translates to ‘to fart in silk’ - we explain how to use it

Four friends drinking champagne on a boat
Discover why living lavishly is referred to as ‘farting in the silk’ in French
Published Last updated

This expression is not suitable for every situation but it is an evocative and colourful idiom. It is the third in our series of fun French expressions. 

Read more: On va pas chercher midi à quatorze heures: Fun French expression no. 1

Read more: Avoir le temps de tuer un âne à coup de figues molles: Fun French expression no. 2

Péter dans la soie

Literal translation: Farting in the silk 

It refers to living lavishly and being brash about it. Silk is the sign of wealth and farting in it shows that you do not particularly care about it despite its cost because of how rich you are. 

It is informal and can be used in a positive or negative sense. 

Someone could use it to chastise someone for their previous brash behaviour, or your partner could say on va péter dans la soie just before you head off on a luxurious holiday. 

‘To fart through silk’ was also an expression in English to mean the same thing, but it has become less popular with time and is barely used today. 

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