186 communes listed for natural disaster claims

A total of 186 communes in Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur have today been listed as having suffered a catastrophe naturelle (natural disaster) after flooding and mudslides due to violent storms last week – those affected must now put in their insurance claims.

Published Modified

It is necessary to claim on the garantie catastrophe naturelle in your home insurance policy within 10 calendar days of publication of the listing in Le Journal Officiel today, ie. by November 10.

You should note also that if you were affected last year by damage, such as cracking, caused by ground movements due to drought followed by rehydration of the ground, a natural disaster listing was also announced concerning this last weekend and only five days are left for claims (see full listing of communes at this link).

The first thing to do is check your policy to make sure you have the correct cover – however it is standard in multirisques home insurance policies. Then contact your insurer as soon as possible.

A claim can normally be started by telephone, text, email or whatever method is fastest for you and supporting documents can be sent after the 10-day deadline if the claim has already been opened.

You will need to supply a description of the damage, a list of lost or damaged items and where possible, proof of ownership and value such as bills and photographs.

Take photographs or videos of damaged items but you should not throw them out - especially in the case of valuable items as the insurer may call an expert to visit and assess the claim.

If you need to carry out any urgent repairs or cleaning, take photos first.

The following communes are all listed as having suffered a natural disaster due to flooding and mudslides on October 22-23, 2019


Antugnac, Armissan, Axat, Bages, Belvianes-et-Cavirac, Bize-Minervois, Bouriège, Bugarach, Couiza, Espéraza, Festes-et-Saint-André, Fitou, Fleury, Gaja-et-Villedieu, Gardie, Ginestas, Gruissan, Luc-sur-Aude, Montazels, Montredon-des-Corbières, Narbonne, Palme (La), Pexiora, Peyrens, Peyriac-de-Mer, Pomarède (La), Pomas, Roquetaillade-et-Conilha, Routier, Sainte-Valière, Saint-Hilaire, Saint-Julia-de-Bec, Saint-Martin-de-Villereglan, Saint-Nazaire-d'Aude, Salles-d'Aude, Serpent (La), Sigean, Thézan-des-Corbières, Val-du-Faby, Vinassan.


Aubagne, Auriol, Berre-l'Étang, Bouilladisse (La), Carnoux-en-Provence, Cassis, Ceyreste, Cuges-les-Pins, Fos-sur-Mer, Fuveau, Gréasque, Istres, Lançon-Provence, Marseille, Martigues, Mimet, Pélissanne, Pennes-Mirabeau (Les), Roquefort-la-Bédoule, Saint-Savournin, Saint-Victoret, Vauvenargues, Vitrolles.


Abeilhan, Adissan, Agde, Aires (Les), Arboras, Aspiran, Autignac, Balaruc-les-Bains, Balaruc-le-Vieux, Bassan, Bédarieux, Bessan, Béziers, Boujan-sur-Libron, Brignac, Cabrerolles, Cabrières, Canet, Capestang, Cazedarnes, Cazouls-d'Hérault, Cazouls-lès-Béziers, Cébazan, Cers, Cessenon-sur-Orb, Ceyras, Clermont-l'Hérault, Colombiers, Corneilhan, Coulobres, Cruzy, Espondeilhan, Faugères, Florensac, Fontès, Fouzilhon, Gabian, Gigean, Hérépian, Lacoste, Lamalou-les-Bains, Laurens, Lespignan, Lieuran-lès-Béziers, Lunas, Maraussan, Margon, Marseillan, Mérifons, Mireval, Montady, Montagnac, Montarnaud, Montblanc, Montesquieu, Montpellier, Murviel-lès-Béziers, Neffiès, Nézignan-l'Evêque, Nissan-lez-Enserune, Pailhès, Paulhan, Péret, Pézenas, Pierrerue, Pomérols, Popian, Portiragnes, Poussan, Puech (Le), Puilacher, Puimisson, Puissalicon, Puisserguier, Quarante, Roquessels, Roujan, Saint-André-de-Sangonis, Saint-Geniès-de-Fontedit, Saint-Guiraud, Saint-Pargoire, Saint-Pons-de-Mauchiens, Saint-Thibéry, Salasc, Sauvian, Sérignan, Servian, Thézan-lès-Béziers, Tourbes, Tour-sur-Orb (La), Usclas-d'Hérault, Vailhan, Valras-Plage, Vendres, Vias, Vic-la-Gardiole, Villeneuve-lès-Béziers.


Argelès-sur-Mer, Barcarès (Le), Cerbère, Perpignan, Port-Vendres.


Communes de Bandol, Beausset (Le), Bras, Brignoles, Cabasse, Cadière-d'Azur (La), Castellet (Le), Gonfaron, Ollioules, Pourcieux, Revest-les-Eaux (Le), Rians, Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, Sanary-sur-Mer, Seyne-sur-Mer (La), Six-Fours-les-Plages, Toulon, Tourves, Valette-du-Var (La), Varages.



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