Graph: How do French electricity prices compare with other EU countries and UK
Costs have steadily risen across the last decade
Ryanair launches programme to enable passengers in France to save on frequent travel
Passengers who fly at least once per month could save over €400, airline claims
Crackdown on ‘hiding money offshore’ announced in UK spring statement
Increased spending on defence cooperation with Nato allies such as France was also announced
Antibiotics prescribed less but still over-used
Use of antibiotics is reducing – but France remains the third largest European user in terms of population size after Greece and Cyprus.

Doctors’ prescriptions for antibiotics dropped by 15% from 2009-18, while the number of doses consumed stabilised at 22.5 per 1,000 people, per day, a government report found.
However, over-65s were taking more antibiotics by the end of the study period – up 13% for those aged 65-84, and up 9% for those aged 85 or more.
Dijon Bourgogne hospital infections expert Professor Lionel Piroth says older people are more fragile and grew up in a period when the risks of over-use – including allowing the emergence of more resistant strains of bacteria for which there are no treatments – were not known.
Antibiotics should not be used for treating viral infections, he added.
If France reduced consumption to the level of the Netherlands, the Sécu would save €400million a year.