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Are there really any benefits of video GPs?
Your article Thousands to benefit from video GP sessions (September edition) left me perplexed.
Who wants them? I cannot imagine anybody choosing them instead of a face-to-face consultation and I certainly cannot imagine country people accepting being treated this way.
Two questions come to mind: How will they save the doctor’s time? And what are their benefits? The doctor still has to spend time with the patient so the time argument is nonsense.
Who is to gain from this misuse of technology? Let me guess: some private company organising this scam under the pretence of “improving healthcare”. What a joke.
I live in the heart of the Breton countryside. We are far from being in a so-called “medical desert”. I phone for an appointment in the morning and I see my doctor in the afternoon. She always takes my blood pressure and examines me thoroughly each time.
How is she going to do that through a video link?
Meanwhile on page 4, you tell us that Cpam has started threatening pensioners with withdrawing their carte vitale as the British government is making no certain arrangements for this for after Brexit.
That should have been frontpage. That is not going to improve our healthcare.
Michael Travis, Brittany