Are UK ‘disabled’ blue badges valid in France?

The UK recognises disabled badges from all EU countries

A series of parking bays reserved for disabled drivers or passengers
The UK’s withdrawal from the EU affected many driving rules and regulations
Published Last updated

Reader Question: Can I use my UK ‘blue badge’ to park in disabled bays in France when I come to visit the country? 

Prior to Brexit, UK blue badge holders were able to use their badges in their vehicle to park in disabled parking spots in France (and the rest of Europe). 

Since January 2021, however, the ability to do so has depended on specific agreements between the UK and EU countries, on whether to accept each other’s disabled badges. 

Many countries, including Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Portugal accept UK blue badges. 

France, like Spain, does not have such an across-the-board agreement in place meaning the use of a UK blue badge is not guaranteed. 

In the reverse situation, if you have a French disabled parking badge but are in the UK, the UK government states that it recognises disabled badges from all EU countries. 

However, confusingly, the Department for Transport has told The Connexion that the scheme is administered and enforced by local authorities, so “ultimately it is a matter for them” as to whether non-UK badges are accepted or not.

Read more: Can you use a French disabled parking badge in the UK?

There has been no update on bilateral talks about UK blue badges in France throughout 2024, meaning post-Brexit rules have not changed.

In theory, this means the badges are not officially accepted, but it is often up to local authorities whether they recognise the badges or not. 

If you are going to be staying in the same location (a second-home, or a hotel within a certain commune) you can always contact the local mairie of the town or village in which you will mainly park and get confirmation your badge will be accepted (in writing, if possible). 

We note that the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile says that non-EU disabled badges, regardless of origin, are not accepted in France

If you are a resident in France, you should apply for a French disabled parking badge.