BBC calls for your views on iPlayer future

Viewers have been asked to help the BBC decide how to improve its iPlayer service, which is popular with Britons abroad who watch via VPNs.

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The BBC says it wants to transform iPlayer “from primarily a catch-up and linear TV service into a destination for our audiences, where programmes will be available for longer, both for individual programmes and box sets”.

It says it must give all licence-payers value – while also challenging Netflix and Amazon – and asks for views on making shows available for 12 months, giving complete series box sets, and offering more archive content, along with bought-in material.

It also asks viewers on “steps to promote positive impacts” where readers can call for a licence to be available to them abroad to get programming.

Find details at and reply to or BBC Corporate Affairs, Room 5045, London, W1A 1AA. The con-sultation ends on February 15.