Letters: Vegetarian options are too limited in France
Connexion readers say French cuisine is all the poorer due to its reliance on meat
Letters: Stop moaning about French bureaucracy
Connexion reader says that foreign residents must display more self-awareness
Letters: Readers share the drôleries of getting by in French
From old false friends to the latest translation tech - sometimes everyone gets language wrong
Brexit credit refusal?
I recently applied for an increase on my credit card limit with the Nationwide Building Society in the UK.
I was declined and appealed. I have now been informed that my appeal was unsuccessful and the reason was that I “live abroad”.
I have asked for confirmation in writing, which to date has not come. I have lived in France permanently since November 2012 and have obtained three increases on my limit in November 2014, February 2016 and February 2017. I am sure this is one of the many consequences of a “No deal Brexit”.
Mark Workman, by email