Letters: Vegetarian options are too limited in France
Connexion readers say French cuisine is all the poorer due to its reliance on meat
Letters: Stop moaning about French bureaucracy
Connexion reader says that foreign residents must display more self-awareness
Letters: Readers share the drôleries of getting by in French
From old false friends to the latest translation tech - sometimes everyone gets language wrong
Bye bye Bordeaux!
I also used Bordeaux Airport ( Letters , June) and echo reader David Asplin’s view not to use it again.
Having booked parking I took the ticket but when we returned to Bordeaux the exit machine would not work. No one answered the buzzer so I had to pay again to get out.
I emailed customer service with supporting documents but after several days heard nothing. I telephoned two different numbers and was told there were delays and repayment could be up to two months!
Two months later I called and was again told of ‘problems’. I queried this and was told the directeur was on holiday and I should email again. I made it clear this was completely unacceptable and unprofessional.
And, yes, the ring road traffic was dreadful.
Caroline Robertson, Lot