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Calling all white stork spotters
After warming their feathers in sub-Saharan Africa or the Indian subcontinent during the winter months, white storks cigognes blanches have already been spotted nesting in chimneys in Franche-Comté, en route to Alsace or the Rhine Valley.
As part of their annual migration ritual, the birds fly over Lons-le-Saunier towards Besançon, then pass towards Montbéliard and Belfort by tracking the valley of the Doubs, before continuing along the Rhine.
This year some arrived as early as December and landed along with winter snow, which stopped them finding food. Farmers helped by putting out food in their gardens.
The Bird Protection League (LPO) is inviting keen-eyed local residents to take advantage of this migration to become a volunteer observer. The aim is to complete data on the migration of the bird, including habits, areas of passage and population. You can register for free on the LPO website.
After almost disappearing altogether in the 1970s, the white stork is no longer under threat of extinction. There are 2,700 couples in France compared to just nine 40 years ago.
Last month, hunters and farmers joined together to repair a stork nest on a farm in Charente-Maritime. They took the two-metre nest down and repaired it with mud and sticks then put it back up its pole... in time for the nesting birds to arrive.