'I am too afraid to drive in France - it feels like the wrong side of the road'
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on acclimatising to French roads and motorways
'Nesting swallows have become a pest at my French home'
Columnist Samantha David is irked but the birds enjoy protected status
Letters: ETA online link for people transiting through UK to or from France
It is recommended to use the app to get an electronic travel authorisation - but this reader managed to apply without it
Cartes woes – deal with it
What a lot of hot air has been expressed re: cartes de séjour .
Your paper’s ongoing advice was sound and all living in France on a permanent basis should renew or apply for one. Surely, Lord Lawson will have to apply just like anyone else, wait in line and have his fingerprints recorded.
We have just updated our carte and I did not consider the demands for specific information too onerous – and as for proving where and how long we have lived at our present property, our mairie provided a written text to this effect in five minutes.
Readers who get all hot under the collar about this issue should remember, we live in another country and they make their own rules.
Chris Eatough, Nièvre